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March 10, 2020
Flocks of starlings producing dazzling patterns across the sky are natural examples of active matter — groups of individual agents coming together to create collective dynamics. In a study featured on last week’s cover of the journal Science, a team of researchers including a UC Merced theoretical...
March 9, 2020
Strubbe Recognized for Research, Teaching and Service to Department Physics Professor David Strubbe has been named a Cottrell Scholar, winning one of only 25 of the prestigious $100,000 grants for his proposal to study the ultrafast properties of materials when they are exposed to light. This...
February 27, 2020
Breakthrough collaborative science by an interdisciplinary team of researchers brought together by computational biology Professor David Ardell promises a new approach for treating all types of infections. Infections have become more dangerous in recent years because bacteria and parasites...
December 19, 2019
Resource allocation isn’t just a problem for humans preparing a holiday dinner, or squirrels storing up nuts for the winter. It can actually affect the size of an animal or whether it procreates, according to quantitative systems biology Professor Justin Yeakel’s new paper published in the journal...
June 5, 2019
Hundreds of students join the UC Merced campus each year intent on health-related careers. What they might not know, though, is that there are resources on campus that can be critical in helping them achieve their goals. “If it weren’t for the Pre-Health Advising program, I might not be where I am...
