Our team is here to provide you with the resources you need to navigate your academic career at UC Merced. Use the links below when you need quick access to useful information and services available to graduate students. Let us know if you need help finding something or if you have ideas of additional resources.
- Graduate Resource Center
- Graduate Division
- Center for Engaged Teaching & Learning (CETL)
- Graduate Student Association
- Student Portal - UC Merced Connect
- Office of International Affairs (OIA)
- Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
- Student First Center (SFC)
- Student Business Services (SBS)
- Room Reservations
- TAPS (UC Merced Transportation & Parking Services)
- CatTracks (Bus Service)
- Off-Campus Housing
- IT Help Desk
- TA Supplemental Memo (PDF)
- Employment Verification
- Online Course Schedule
- UC Path Portal
- TA & GSR Pay Rates (See Table 18 & 22)
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
- Tuition & Fees (Select current catalog year)
- AP Recruit
- Child Care Reimbursement
- Business & Financial Services
- Tax Services
- For benefits and retirement plan questions please reach out to the Benefits Team at benefits@ucmerced.edu.