Each graduate group’s requirements may include core courses, an ethics course, electives, seminars and research. Academic coursework is typically the focus of the first two years of study. Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA to be in good academic standing. Enrollment in 12 units during regular academic semesters is required to receive University-administered funding such as teaching assistant and graduate student researcher appointments, and fellowships.
Core Courses
Math 201 (1 unit), Teaching and Learning in the Sciences
Math 221 (4 units), Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations
Math 222 (4 units), Partial Differential Equations
Math 223 (4 units), Asymptotics and Perturbation Methods
Math 224 (4 units), Advanced Methods of Applied Mathematics
Math 231 (4 units), Numerical Solution of Diff. Equations I
Math 232 (4 units), Numerical Solution of Diff. Equations II
Math 233 (4 units), Scientific Computing
Special Topics: Choose Two
Math 292 (4 units), Special Topics in Applied Mathematics (may be repeated)
Graduate Courses (4 units total) from another discipline
Math 298 or 299 (4 units total, letter graded)
Math 291 (1 unit ea.), Applied Mathematics Seminar (2 semesters)
Math 295 (varies by semester), Graduate Research
Emphasis: See Roadmap for Core Courses
- Biochemistry/Molecular Biophyiscs
- Comutational Chemistry
- Materials Chemistry
- Organic/Organometallic/Inorganic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
1 CHEM Graduate Course (3+ units)
CHEM 291 (1 unit ea.) Chemistry Seminar (4 semesters)
CHEM 295 (varies by semester) Graduate Research
Core Courses
CHEM 200 (3 units), Advanced Organic Synthesis
CHEM 201 (3 units), Organic & Organometallic Reaction Mechanics
Ethics & Electives
QSB 294 (1 unit), Responsible Conduct of Research
2 CHEM Graduate Courses (3+ units ea.)
Seminar & Research
CHEM 291 (1 unit ea.), Chemistry Seminar (4 semesters)
CHEM 295 (varies by semester), Graduate Research
Core Courses
CHEM 202 (3 units), Bioorganic Chemistry
QSB 202 (3 units), Biochemistry
Choose one:
QSB 281 (4 units), Molecular Dynamics & Biomolecular Simulation
QSB 207 (3 units), Physical Biochemistry
Ethics & Electives
QSB 294 (1 unit), Responsible Conduct of Research
1 CHEM Graduate Course (3+ units)
Seminar & Research
CHEM 291 (1 unit ea.), Chemistry Seminar (4 semesters)
CHEM 295 (varies by semester), Graduate Research
Core Courses
CHEM 212 (3 units), Molecular & Solid State Quantum Chemistry
CHEM 214 (3 units), Statistical Thermodynamics
Choose one:
QSB 281 (4 units), Molecular Dynamics & Biomolecular Simulation
CHEM 225 (3 units), Molecular Electronic Structure
Ethics & Electives
QSB 294 (1 unit), Responsible Conduct of Research
1 CHEM Graduate Course (3+ units)
Seminar & Research
CHEM 291 (1 unit ea.), Chemistry Seminar (4 semesters)
CHEM 295 (varies by semester), Graduate Research
Core Courses
PHYS 202 (1 unit), Foundations of Physics
PHYS 205 (4 units), Classical Mechanics
PHYS 210 (4 units), Electrodynamics & Optics 1
PHYS 212 (4 units), Statistical Mechanics
PHYS 237 (4 units), Quantum Mechanics 1
Ethics & Electives
QSB 294 (1 unit), Responsible Conduct of Research
1 PHYS or NatSci/SoE Graduate Course (3+ units) outside primary research area
1 PHYS or NatSci/SoE Graduate Course (3+ units)
Seminar & Research
PHYS 251 (1 unit), Introduction to Graduate Research
PHYS 293 (1 unit ea.), Physics Colloquium (4 semesters)
PHYS 295 (varies by semester), Graduate Research
Core Courses
3 QSB Graduate Course (3-5 units)
Choose One in Quantitative Biology:
QSB 207 (3 units), Physical Biochemistry
QSB 214 (3 units), Tissue Engineering Design
QSB 222 (4 units), Modeling Social Behavior
QSB 227 Virology (3)
QSB 244 (4 units), Phylogenetics: Speciation and Macroevolution
QSB 246 (3 units), Community Ecology
QSB 247 (3 units), Phylogenetic Comparative Methods
QSB 251 (4 units), Advanced Molecular Immunology
QSB 256 (4 units), Ecological Dynamics
QSB 271 (3 units), Advanced Neurobiology: Brain Dysfunction and Neurodegenerative Diseases
QSB 275 (3 units), Epigenetics and Gene Expression
QSB 278 (3 units), Gene Expression Analysis
QSB 280 (3 units), Advanced Mathematical Biology
QSB 281 (4 units), Molecular Dynamics and Biomolecular Simulation
QSB 282 (5 units), Bioinformatics
QSB 285 (4 units), Biostatistics
CHEM 260 (3 units), Introduction to Scientific Computing
Choose One in Systems Biology:
QSB 200 (3 units), Molecular Cell Biology
QSB 215 (3 units), Principles of Biological Technologies
QSB 248 (3 units), Advanced Topics in Ecology and Evolution
QSB 250 (3 units), Advanced Developmental Biology
QSB 290 (3 units), Current Topics in Quantitative and Systems Biology
QSB 297 (3 units), Systems Biology: From Molecules to Metabolic Networks
Seminar & Elective
1 QSB Elective Graduate Course (3+ units) Excluding QSB 288, 291 & 295
QSB 291 (1 unit ea.), Research Forums in Quantitative and Systems Biology (2 semesters)
QSB 294 (1 unit), Responsible Conduct of Research
QSB 292 (1 unit), Group Meeting
QSB 293 (1 unit), QSB Journal Club
QSB 295 (varies by semester), Graduate Research